About Our Family
Glasgow FBC stands as a beacon of faith in the beautiful and quaint river town of Glasgow, Missouri. Our hearts are to serve the community as a place of worship, prayer, biblical teaching and service. We have a growing and active children's ministry, missions focus and a devoted prayer team. You are welcome to come, learn, worship and grow with us! We are all on a journey and none of us have arrived yet. Our church family will welcome you with open arms no matter your background, clothing, circumstances or political opinion. We all meet to worship Jesus together and to grow in our faith. We hope to see you soon!


Sunday School
Every Sunday at 9:30 AM
we offer classes for all ages to grow deeper in faith and understanding of scripture!

Worship Service
Every Sunday at 10:30 AM
we worship together as a church family in the Sanctuary. A nursery for babies and toddlers is provided.